Antonia Rose Librizzi

Antonia Rose Librizzi
Green Valley High School
Class of 2019
Green Valley High School Valedictorian Antonia Librizzi is, by nature, an extremely persistent person. When she decides to do something, she’ll “do that thing no matter how hard it is.” This characteristic is a point of pride and one that has resulted in numerous successes on the stage and in the classroom, the penultimate being her status as the only female valedictorian of her class. Along the way, she’s encountered set-backs and naysayers, but pushing past the hard parts is all a matter of “believing you can and visualizing success.” For following through with her vision, persevering through the tough times, and always staying true to herself, Antonia Librizzi is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.8
- -Theatre, 2015-Present
- -Ensemble: An Evening with Will, 2015-2018; Broadway and Beyond, 2015-2018; Project Center Stage, 2016; Sister Act, 2016; That’s Not How I Remember It, 2017; Mamma Mia!, 2018; The Weight of Words, 2018 (“Save Me” Soloist)
- -Roles: Nunsense–Sister Mary Hubert, 2017; Quilters–Sarah Bonham, 2017; From the Mouths of Babes–Ms. Havisham, 2018; The Funeral Parlor–Susan, 2018; The Miracle Worker–Aunt Ev, 2018; Next to Normal–Natalie, 2018; Matilda–Mrs. Phelps, 2019; Murder’s in the Heir–Fiona Starkweather, 2019; Seven Nuns in Las Vegas Mother Superior, 2019
- -Make-Up Artist: The Lion King Jr., 2016
- -Director: 13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview, 2019
- -Junior Representative, 2017-2018
- -Theatre Awards Night Organization Committee Chair, 2018
- -Social Committee Chairperson, 2018-Present
- -National Honor Society, 2016-Present
- -International Thespian Society, 2016-Present
- -Smith Center’s Young Ambassadors Program, 2016-Present
- -Interact Club, 2015-2017; Vice President, 2016-2017
- -C.H.A.N.C.E. Club, 2015-2017; President, 2016-2017
- -Teens Making a Difference, 2012-2018
Scholarships/Awards/Community Service:
- -Most Improved Award–Theatre II, 2016
- -Outstanding Showcase Performance, 2016
- -Best Actor/Actress in Quilters, 2018
- -Best Actress Superlative, 2019
- -Valedictorian Candidate, 2019
- -Rotary Student of the Month, 2019
- -1st Place in Henderson Library Teen Writing Contest, 2019
- -AP Scholar with Distinction Award, 2018
- -Runner up for Scholastic Essay Contest, 2015
- -Student of the Month–AP Spanish Language and Culture, 2017
- -Thurman White Award, 2015
- -UNLV’s Provost Scholarship, 2019; Honors Access Scholarship, 2019
- -CCEA Scholarship, 2019
- -SUU and PLU Presidential Scholarships, 2019
- -National Honor Society
How does it feel to have achieved valedictorian status? “This is something I have been working towards my entire life. There have been a lot of people who didn’t believe in me. I’m often times underestimated, but I use that to my advantage, taking their criticism and using it to push myself to prove them wrong.”
What fuels your passion for theatre? “I’ve been doing theatre since I was 5 years old. Every time I walk on stage I feel like a different person, and knowing that I have the ability to change opinions and the way people feel after a performance is inspirational. Theatre has given me so much confidence and taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to.”
Why do you want to pursue an education and career in psychology and criminology? “From the second I walked into my first psychology class I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life. Every second of the class was captivating. I chose criminology specifically because I’ve always been intrigued by murder mysteries and shows like ‘How it Really Happened’, and I want to be able to actually understand why people do the things that they do.”
Do you have a favorite quote? How does it apply to your life? “I like to live by the quote, ‘No matter how many times I fall down, I always get back up,’ from the film, Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. Life is not easy and sometimes it throws a curveball at you that you weren’t quite ready for, but you can’t give up or stop trying to rise above the challenge.”