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Thoughts to Inspire: Dare to be Passionate

By Judi Moreo

Passion is an integral part of achieving success. People with passion have a sense of purpose and meaning. They are achieving things. They don’t waste their time. If you feel strongly enough about something, you will put your effort and time toward it. You will be passionate and you will make your dreams come to life.

On a Mission for Happiness

Passion comes when we believe in something; when our purpose is clear. It’s the fuel that drives us to accomplish our goals and achieve real happiness. But how do we find it?  Ask yourself a few questions. What gets you excited? What do you love? What do you feel strongly about in your life? What would you do even if you didn’t get paid? What are your special talents? How do you know when something is right? Have you tried to do something that you’ve never done before? What do you secretly wish you could do? How badly do you want to do it?

Listen to your heart to find what it is you want to do and what you feel passionate about. Then you can put your entire focus into it, rather than just getting up, getting dressed, going to work, and getting through the day. When you are excited about life, you’ll get up early, be on time, do your best, give more than is expected, and be happy doing it. If you don’t feel this, perhaps you need to make some changes.

Tough Decisions

If your job isn’t as satisfying as you would like, maybe you need a new job. Perhaps it won’t pay as much or won’t have the perks your current job has, but when you condition your mind, it will change the condition of your life. The money will come when you love what you do and have enthusiasm for it. If you are willing to accept a job you don’t like, one that creates stress but pays well, then you have to be willing to pay the price, and the price you pay is a lack of passion and joy. Many of us have been taught from childhood that it is selfish and self-centered to be happy in what we do. We’ve been taught we must work hard to get ahead. If we can learn to work passionately, we will go further than hard work will ever take us.

If you keep doing the same old thing in the same old way…only harder and longer, you are going to get the same old results, and you are going to hate it. Life treats you as you treat life. In order to be passionate about life, you may have to undergo a mind change. You may need to re-evaluate what’s really important to you. As you observe your life and the lives of others, you might see that living a life without passion is a costly compromise. It is much easier to live a life of passion than it is to live a stressful, unhealthy, unfulfilling, though well-paid existence.

When we have passion, our minds let go of blocks and barriers, because we are focused on what we wish to accomplish and the expectation of what good we can make happen. When we are passionate, we take great joy in our steps forward, both big and small, using what didn’t work as lessons learned, setting new goals, and moving onward and upward to achieve these new goals. In other words, when we are passionate, we just get on with it!

Judi Moreo is the author of the award winning book, “You Are More than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power” and its companion, “Achievement Journal”.  She is a motivational speaker, author, and coach.  Judi can be reached at judi@judimoreo.com or (702) 896-2228.

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