Fad or Foe By Ashlee Verba Whether you’re on social media, follow the latest health and dietary trends, or even take an interest in pop culture you’ve probably heard some buzz about the ketogenic diet, a high-fat/low-carb diet that produces …

New Year, New Pet: 5 Steps for a Happy Transition By Ashlee Verba With Christmas behind us and 2018 coming to a close, you may have recently welcomed (or been thinking of welcoming) a new pet to your household, which …

“Alexa: Find Rover!” The App for Lost Pets By Ashlee Verba Technology these days is truly incredible. With just the sound of your voice, Alexa can provide the perfect playlist, Siri will give turn-by-turn directions from here to New …

Normal Aging or Doggy Dementia? By Ashlee Verba As dogs age, owners will inevitably see some changes; they may walk abit slower or sleep a bit longer, but they’ll still exhibit signs ofexcitement, recognition and happiness. But certain behaviors–like zoning out, …

Since the turn of the century, technology has exploded onto the scene unlike ever before. Everywhere you look, someone is sporting the latest smartphone, tablet, game or electronic gadget. You love it, so why not extend that passion to your …

By Ashlee Verba When people think about a road trip, they typically wouldn’t dream of letting their son or daughter ride in the car without a seatbelt, right? But what about their furry family member(s)? In a recent study conducted …

Ten years ago this month you may have seen our Publisher, Greg Wagonseller, lurking about at a local dog park, camera in hand. Often times met with a quick sprint in the opposite direction or that quizzical “who is this …

By: Hana Haatainen Caye “Please!” they beg, day after day. “Please can we get a pet?” What’s a parent to do? If you are reluctant to get a pet because of the possibility of allergies, you might have good reason. According …

By Ashlee Verba The end of summer marks a return to “normal” life when families now must stretch their time between school, work and social schedules. Daily routines become a mad dash to make sure everyone is fed, bathed and …

By Ashlee Verba While human and animal worlds don’t always overlap, there is some common ground where illness is concerned. If your pet has an allergic reaction, Benadryl can often relieve them. For animal cold symptoms, human grade cough medicine …

By Ashlee Verba You may have heard a lot of buzz in the media lately about raw food diets for pets. In fact, according to a New York Times blog, pet owners spent $100 million dollars on this growing trend …

By Ashlee Verba Thanks to our ever-evolving smartphone culture, we’ve got an app for just about anything: social media, weather, banking, you name it. But what about our four-legged loves? Without opposable thumbs, it’s hard for them to navigate an …

By Michelle Vessel Work can be stressful, and dogs… well, dogs are awesome. Put the two together and you just might have the magic formula for adding a touch of much needed whimsy to the workday grind. We’re starting to …

By Hana Haatainen Caye Did you ever notice how some individuals just seem to connect with their dogs? We call them “dog people” and write them off as having skills outside the norm. Their dogs are content, happy and well …

By Hana Haatainen Caye Eyes closed. Body limp. If you listen hard enough, you can barely make out an “oh yeah” coming from your furry friend. And in the midst of the glorious indulgence known as pet massage, the “friend” …

By Aly Wagonseller The ink on the dotted line of your new home contract or apartment lease has barely had time to dry when panic starts to settle in. Thoughts of packing up worldly belongings, registering kids in different schools …

By Lindsay Minor Illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer are not just human problems. Our beloved pets suffer many of these same ailments, and it can be a heart-breaking and stressful affair when emergency intervention and more …

By Hana Haatainen Caye Ahh…the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Bright lights. Yummy food. Presents and parties. What could possibly go wrong? Well, for the family pet, lots of things! All those aforementioned holiday accoutrements might be spectacular …

By Ashlee Verba Dogs and etiquette. Manners and animals. Sounds almost silly at first. In fact, until you’ve owned a dog, the concept probably never even crossed your mind. But just as manners help children play nice with others, …

By Hana Haatainen Caye We’ve all heard the old adage that curiosity killed the cat. Cliché, yes, but there is a lot of truth to it. Cats are naturally inquisitive creatures; it’s part of their charm. It can, however, …

By Lindsay Minor A lot of thought goes into planning a summer vacation: where to go, what to pack, which tours to book. Having pets just adds a whole new set of questions, the first being to bring or not …

By Hana Haatainen Caye As intelligent human beings, we usually know when we’ve eaten too much of the wrong thing. And when our doctor tells us the long term consequences of our binges, we can make an informed decision to …

By Lisha Ross Rudy the Rude Dog more than earned his nickname. A purebred German Shorthair with a hot temper, he was prone to attacking unfamiliar dogs and exhibiting aggressive, territorial behavior. Despite all his shock collar and obedience training, …

By Ashlee Verba For many children, family pets are lifelong friends that provide loving companionship while teaching lasting lessons of responsibility and selflessness. Yet, as much as your child may promise to take care of a new household family member, …

By Ashlee Verba When 36-year-old Laurie of Missouri discovered fostering, she first asked for a friendly, house-broken dog to keep her Great Dane, Remi, company. Two years later, the self-proclaimed Dog Foster Mom (as she rightfully named her blog) fosters …

By Ashlee Verba You know they know where you keep them, what sound the wrapping makes and what exact trick will seal the deal in earning that glorious prize. When it comes to incentives, nothing does it quite like a …

By Lisha Ross Just like humans, our beloved pets suffer from the aches, diminished senses and other issues that inevitably come with growing old. And, like humans, elderly pets require certain lifestyle changes and TLC to help them cope. Nothing …

By Ashlee Verba For most people, spring is a time for outdoor activities and sunshine. For allergy sufferers, it’s a time of blooming sneezes and Benadryl, and humans aren’t the only creatures susceptible to that stuffy head, itchy eye feeling. …

Which Breed is Best (for You)? By Ashlee Verba If you’ve never owned a dog but have juggled the idea of buying or adopting, or have owned and just can’t seem to find the right fit, you probably know the …

Socializing Your Cranky Canine By Ashlee Verba Saving a dog’s life through adoption is bittersweet, as even the best ones come with emotional baggage. Most of these animals have been subjected to abuse and neglect from previous owners, and as …