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A Step Above: Green Valley High School Student Council

Amidst hectic student schedules of a particularly hectic season, it’s nothing short of remarkable to see what Green Valley High School Student Council is up to. Not content with just maintaining grades and planning school events, these students are taking that extra stride to better the community and help those in need.  Whether they are making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for charity or creating care packages for troops overseas, these kids are staying busy this season and all year round.  For making their extra-curricular time into something extra helpful and brightening up the most illuminated of seasons, each and every member is – A Step Above.




Trick or Treat for Canned Goods: During this event, the students were able to donate five large boxes of canned goods and non-perishable items to Safe Nest.  


PB&J-athon (November 22nd): Students gathered at Silverado High School in order to make and give away peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to those in need.


Gator”s Give (December 15th): Students will organize and execute a toy drive and clothing drive to benefit students in need at CT Sewell Elementary School.

Stocking Drive: Students will collect stocking stuffers for Green Valley students in need that are to be delivered between December 13th and the 17th.

Boxes for the Troops (November-December): Students buy and collect items with donated money to be sent to troops overseas. Additionally, council members are identifying alumni in active duty, as well as family members of students in order to send packages throughout the coming year.

Tree Decorating Contest (December 13th): The council will go holiday happy as they take part in the annual tree-decorating contest at the Valley Auto Mall. If they are victorious, their prize money will support charitable events throughout 2011.

Student Council Advisor Valerie Rutz comments on the group’s success:

What is the group’s greatest achievement so far this year? “The students pulled off an amazing 20th anniversary homecoming this year, complete with an outdoor assembly, parade and coronation, wherein alumni and members of the community were encouraged to take part. This was a huge celebration that the students seamlessly pulled off.”

What’s it like working with student council to organize and follow through with charitable endeavors? “Student council kids are very motivated to be active members of their community and are always ready, willing and able to take on the challenge of charitable endeavors regardless of the form they may come in. They are already very organized, so it takes very little effort to get things set in motion.”

How do you select the charities you work with? “We get many requests for charitable work, and students are able to participate as individuals to complete required community service hours; however, for big tasks we discuss them in class and decide which events or charities we can best help with our time and talent.”

How does working with charitable organizations or for charity affect the group’s dynamic? “For the most part, the student council kids are very fortunate.  They come back from events and report how grateful they are for the experience, that it has given them a positive perspective. Additionally, they usually say that they really feel good about being able to help others, and that they want to continue this kind of volunteerism after graduation.”

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