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The City of Henderson Economic Development and Arrivetime.com will host the first ever Water Street Rall-E on September 3. The monthly meetings will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at Berwick’s, the new urban lounge in the Water Street District. The event is free and light refreshments will be served.

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The “E” is for entrepreneurs and rally is the appropriate term for a gathering of people in order to excite and inspire. “The monthly Rall-E meetings will create a way to bring people together who are passionate about starting and building their businesses,” said Barbra Coffee, Director of Economic Development and Redevelopment.  “The goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge so that entrepreneurs can further their own business objectives.” 

Robert Kayian, CEO and Founder of Arrivetime.com, will kick things off as the featured presenter and host for the first Water Street Rall-E!  Kayian, a long-time Valley resident and serial entrepreneur, will share his entrepreneurial journey and offer attendees a glimpse of his next big adventure with Arrivetime.com.

“Entrepreneurs thrive in an environment where they can connect and collaborate,” said Kayian.  “We are thrilled to join Henderson and the Water Street District in their efforts to encourage entrepreneurs to come to this community in order to do just that.” 

Entrepreneurial development is one aspect of the city’s overall economic development strategy.  “It is important for the city to support its own entrepreneurial community so that they can launch and grow their businesses right here at home,” said Coffee. It is what economic developers call economic gardening – growing businesses and creating jobs from within. 

For more information on this and other programs of the City of Henderson Division of Economic Development and Redevelopment, please call 702-267-1650, email cohecon@cityofhenderson.com, or visitHendersonMeansBusiness.com.

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